I've decided that I seriously don't care what anyone thinks and I'm just going to speak my mind. Sure, I know that I'm going to encounter ignorant people anywhere I go, but let's be honest here, when you catch someone actually stealing stuff from you and you call them out on it but they just look at you with a dumb look on their face and say "Oh, this was YOUR money??". Seriously? Give me a break.
Also, this very same person was someone who I very recently got into a shallow debate about human population. Basically the outline of arguments were as follows:
1. Humans die anyway, so we should kill them off.
2. Over population is killing animals.
3. All the weight of humans will squish the earth.
1. Scientists are searching for ways to populate the world that were thought to be inhabitable.
2. Trees, animals, and anything else that we might "kill" are completely renewable.
3. The sedation of humans with the intent to kill is unethical and is murder.
Basically, the conversation progressed to her calling me a heartless B*&$@ because I "want to kill the cute little bunnies and kitties" and me just laughing because she thought it was unethical that I would rather kill "kitties" rather than babies and elderly people.
I'll admit, I didn't have the strongest arguments, but I also know, from living in a rual area that the earth is NOT over populated. There are still states in the United States that have an extremely low population density. But, it's the ignorance of humans that make them want to live in the dense population areas for art or a career that will never take off.
Just shut up people and do everyone a favor. The earth is NOT over populated. Stop being paranoid. Idiots.
Peace love and rainbows. <3
I totally agree with you and hm I hesitate to say this but I also saw your goodbye post on CF. And yeah, I'm not surprised at the way that you seem to feel about it. Forums are dumps. But you have good arguments and someone who said to you that you should not let anyone drag you away from Jesus was right about that!